The Inbound Exception List will record the errors that occur after staff receives the inbound order. For example, if the goods received don’t match the quantity that you forecast in the beginning, it’s recorded as an exception. You need to confirm if the exception makes sense to you. The confirmation means you understand the exception reason and will take action towards it.  


  1. Inbound Exceptions Charges: Any inbound exception will incur charges. Please refer to the rate card Inbound VAS Service or contact your Account Manager(AM) or Business Development Manager(BDM)  for more information about these charges 
  1. Handling Inbound Exceptions: For inbound shipments that do not comply with the standard requirement outlined by CIRRO fulfillment, the company will attempt to address these exceptions within one week. However, there is no guarantee of resolving them within this timeframe.
  1. Confirmation and Reporting of Exceptions: Inbound shipment exceptions will be reported in the CIRRO system-Inbound Exception List within 2-3 working days upon arrival.  In cases where inbound shipment exceptions require instructions or any necessary actions,  please check the inbound exception list in the CIRRO system on a daily basis or add subscribers on it,  and reach out to the account managers for those exceptions with the status “Contact AM” for further instructions.


On this page, the following items are listed with descriptions:

  • Service ID: The handling order number of exceptions in storage
  • Associated Order: The order number of the associated inbound
  • Inbound Exception Type: FCL inbound order arrived with the wrong container number/Shipment arrived without valid inbound order/FCL inbound order arrived in batches, etc.
  • Warehouse: Receiving Destination Warehouse
  • Cost: The cost of Processing exception inbound order 
  • Status: Processing status of exception inbound order
  1. Go to Inbound->Inbound Exception List on the navigation bar
  1. On this page, click the instruction Required tab, and then click Select of the Service ID in the Inbound Exception List.
  1. On the Exception Service Detail page, check the exception information. Based on the type of inbound order exception, the Action under Exception Information provides three processing workflows, including: VAS and Instruction, Instruction without VAS and select a VAS. You can click the Action to continue:
  1. Such as, in the VAS and Instruction pop-up window, select the Standard VAS, and click Submit.

The system will automatically redirect to a new tab, Value-added Service -> Create VAS. Enter the relevant value-added information and click Submit to Verification. For details, please refer to the Value-added Service section.